How Long is The Horizon?

This is a quote from one kid I once met. It sounds kinda absurd but really… It has a deeper context in it. The horizon is endless. It is kind of a symbol for hope, dreams and of future. If your hopes and dreams are endless, so will the future be.

The Sauna

It is sacred. It is a strong cultural thing in Finland. It is estimated there is about two million saunas in Finland, for a population of around 5,3 million. For Finns Sauna has been a place for child birth and a place to heal your hurts, physiological as well as mental. One particular thing about... Continue Reading →

2019 was Zen

Yet if I think about it the signs were there. I really don't think there is such things as omens though. Not in the symbolical sense at least. Bodily signs, yes. Ones in nature that predict the weather, yes. But not like this. Still in retrospect this particular symbolic collapse is a grave reminder how... Continue Reading →

Eyes Full of Wonder

There was a time before it all came crashing down... A time when Eyes Were Full of Wonder. The signs were always there like they've been for the last the century...for a millenia or more but we don't heed them. Because ignorance is truly a bliss. 10/21/2019 The Year of #FearInoculum

Grey is a Colour

Dear follower.I've been neglecting you and the WordPress side of this project a lot but I never stopped thinking.Sometimes the life takes it's toll... as it should. And you pay it the best way you can. As you should.Sometimes you pay it with silence. Sometimes with your sanity or stability. Sometimes with just the time.That's... Continue Reading →

Daddy Thinks: of life and existence. Words, Pulse, Fibonacci.

A Short Study of Words Arranged With the Fibonacci Sequence. Inspired by a Pulsating Oil Lamp, the Pink Floyd and the Lateralus. (Birth) Zero.......Pulseoflife iswaiting ifyou can synchronize.Reach inside and swirl with the flow.Hold on firmly to find the immaculate state ofexistence. Transfer energy.Will you stabilize?DescentingintothePulse........(Death) Zero --13/10/2019 DT-- Article Photo by: Jouko Lehmuskallio... Continue Reading →


Sometimes when it's dark and the cold wind howls from the north I sit on a tree stump and let the rain hit my face It feels like pins piercing your skin It feels like you're alive --09/07/2019 DT--

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